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Scaling Manual Link Building

Many SEOs agree that building quality links requires manual effort, but how can you scale that which cannot be automated? Columnist Andrew Dennis shares his thoughts.

Last month on Search Engine Land, I talked about how manual link building isn’t going away in 2016, despite some predictions otherwise.
In my post, I explained how links, a strong signal within search, also provide further marketing value by:
  • Establishing online connections.
  • Tapping into new audiences.
  • Creating more inroads to your site.
  • Building brand equity.
When you miss out on links, you miss out on marketing.
Of course, you’re not missing out on anything if you aren’t actually linkworthy. Link building is going to be a waste of time if you haven’t properly invested in your site by creating linkable assets that are relevant and valuable to your audience. Link building is part of a larger marketing cycle, and it comes last in the process.
But what if you’re a massive brand, and you need a large-scale link campaign? Assuming your site is worthy of links and promotion, how do you scale something as “manual” as manual link acquisition?
By scaling human effort.

Manual Link Building In Online Marketing

For the past couple of years, many in the SEO realm have believed that manual link promotion wasn’t entirely necessary, believing instead that sites could naturally attract links to quality content through social promotion and sharing.

However, BuzzSumo and Moz released a study that showed even high-quality, widely shared content rarely gets linked.

In fact, I recently had the privilege to speak to Moz founder Rand Fishkin about this very subject, and here are his thoughts:
I think the real key for us was understanding that it is not impossible, but very, very rare for websites and brands to be seeing links come in exclusively through social broadcasting. It works for Moz, and it works for a few other brands that we know.
But outside of those, it really is still a process of doing intentional, deliberate things to earn links, to make people who run websites aware of whatever you’re creating, and to get them pointed to your site in the ways that you need.
Link earning is still what I call it, because I think it no longer is this manipulation to get a link. But instead we’re going to do something remarkable, but that will not just include remarkable content and broadcast — it will also include outreach.
As Fishkin points out, you absolutely need to create remarkable content and broadcast it via social — but for most brands, it still takes strategic, intentional effort to acquire links after you’ve done something linkworthy.

Links, An Online Marketing KPI

The SEO industry is gaining more legitimacy in marketing.
Large brands are recognizing the power of organic search as a channel and shifting more marketing dollars to SEO and link development. Search is by far the dominant traffic driver online, and enterprise companies must account for organic search traffic within their marketing. And strategic SEO includes links.

Of course, Fortune 500 companies don’t need link building for their home pages; these are well-established sites, and their brand names are powerful enough to attract links. The areas where enterprise-level websites lack links are with new marketing initiatives, new products or services, deep linking to underserved assets, and so on.

Major brands are realizing they can’t ignore links if they want to be successful in search. Enterprise businesses are already investing marketing spend in creating something remarkable, and they are often hitting the social broadcasting portion, as well; but for the most part, they’re forgetting about the outreach, and they’re missing links.

Even when these enterprise businesses recognize links as an important KPI, they still face a major challenge in the form of scalability.

Large brands and websites must scale human effort to acquire links at a level that will make a difference in ultra-competitive spaces.

Scaling Human Effort Through Teams

Scaling manual link building means scaling human effort. The only way to scale human effort is by investing in more human hours and growing skilled teams.
It’s difficult to scale manual link building because it requires human effort. As a wise man once said, “Link building is sweat plus creativity.” You can’t automate sweat and creativity.
At its core, link building is one person reaching out to another person and explaining why it would be valuable for them to link from their site. This genuine human interaction cannot be automated or replaced by robots.
To scale manual link building, you need more intelligent humans in the seats, doing the hard work. Furthermore, you need highly trained link builders who are skilled at:
  1. Finding and securing link opportunities.
  2. Prospecting to find relevant and authoritative sites.
  3. Building relationships through digital communication.
  4. Researching and understanding a diverse online community.
  5. Representing a company/asset with a link-first mindset.
  6. Doing technical SEO to discover any SEO issues.
To get real, worthwhile links you need:
  • Creativity.
  • Ingenuity.
  • Human interaction.
  • Strategic thinking.
These attributes don’t scale without more people, and the best way to add more people is through growing trained link-building teams. How do teams make scaling a link campaign more efficient? Let me explain.

A team model makes it much easier to scale a link project. You can start with a smaller team, and as momentum builds, you can begin to scale and grow the team without much disruption to the overall project.

The research and early execution phase of any marketing campaign is the slowest — unless you’re lucky enough to hit virality. Link campaigns are no different; you’ll need to constantly assess what’s working, what could be improved and where you’re missing the mark. Once you’ve established a formula for success, then you’re ready to scale your team and efforts.
An individual SEO is not going to produce the same level of output as a team of link builders. It’s simply impossible to scale up a link-building project with only one person; there is only so much they can do alone.

Growing link acquisition teams presents an efficient avenue for large brands to scale their link campaigns, and team link building offers numerous other benefits.

Benefits Of Team Link Building

Link acquisition in teams offers many distinct advantages.
These benefits include:
  • Increased collaboration.
  • Improved creativity.
  • Ongoing transparency.
  • Shared workloads.
  • More diverse skillsets.
  • Continual learning.
One major benefit of building links in teams is increased collaboration.

The team dynamic fosters the creativity and innovation needed to sustain a long-term link campaign. Working together exposes team members to multiple perspectives and ways of thinking. By interacting with teammates, a link builder might discover a completely new angle or avenue for a link that they would have otherwise not thought about. Collaboration also breeds healthy competition among team members, leading them to push one another to be as efficient as possible.
Working in teams also allows link builders to share the burden and workload of a large-scale link campaign.

Link acquisition can often be a monotonous and difficult task, especially when done at the enterprise level. Fortune 500 companies work in competitive spaces that require greater numbers of links, and one person could quickly become burned out while trying to sustain a massive link project.
Team-based link acquisition also allows you to take advantage of multiple skillsets within a given project.

For example, some team members might excel at outreach, while others are very skilled at link prospecting. By having both of these people on a team, the project as a whole benefits from their varying skillsets.

A team environment also encourages continual learning.

Through shared knowledge and experiences, the team as a whole becomes stronger. Teammates can share best practices and tools with each other that maximize the efficiency of the project. Because the SEO industry is so volatile, it’s important to stay at the forefront of link-building best practices, and continual team learning can ensure this happens.

Team link building scales, and it offers a number of advantages over individual link building.


Manual link building is the only way to get all the links you deserve, and the types of real links Google wants to count. However, manual link building is difficult to scale because it requires dedicated human link builders. The key to scaling manual link acquisition lies within building teams.
The short version?
  • Manual link building is important within online marketing.
    • Build online connections.
    • Discover new audiences.
    • Create more pathways to your site.
    • Increase brand equity online.
  • Scaling manual link building means scaling human effort.
    • Creativity.
    • Ingenuity.
    • Human interaction.
    • Relevance.
    • Strategic thinking.
  • Team-based link acquisition offers many benefits.
    • Increased collaboration.
    • Shared burden and workload.
    • Multiple skillsets.
    • Continual learning.

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

Pagerank Social Bookmarking Sites List – Dofollow

Pagerank Social Bookmarking Sites List – Dofollow

The high page rank dofollow social bookmarking sites can also help you to improve the page rank of your site. Google page rank is not regularly getting updated for last one year, but it is always good to be ready with quality backlinks.

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SEO So Simple A Child Can Do It: In 5 Easy Steps

How difficult is it to master the SEO basics? According to columnist Stephan Spencer, it's child's play!

SEO So Simple A Child Can Do It: In 5 Easy Steps

As it turns out, I’m not the only SEO professional in the family. At 14, my daughter Chloe started creating a passive income stream, enviable to most teenagers, of up to $1,100 per month. She did it with only a few ingredients: a WordPress blog, a Google AdSense account and some basic SEO knowledge.
Like many young teenagers at the time (which was about 10 years ago), she was obsessed with the Nickelodeon-owned “virtual pet” website So, like any enterprising young internet entrepreneur, she started a fan site, at, and monetized it.

She researched profitable keyword niches like game cheats, avatars, neopoints and so on. Then she developed content around those niches. After that, she started building buzz and links, leveraging the angle that here’s a kid doing SEO. It doesn’t take very many bloggers picking up on that before you get traction in the Google results.
Pretty soon, she was getting enough visitors to make consistent money with Google AdSense. However, she wouldn’t have seen such great returns on her time spent (which after the initial site build amounted to a handful of blog posts per year) if she hadn’t made the front page for her primary keyword target, “neopets cheats.”
I gave her some training and coaching, but she did all the work. And she was willing to put herself out there as a public figure — speaking to the media, speaking on stage at numerous conferences, at 16 years old. Thanks to the speaking gigs and resulting press coverage, her blog ranked on the first half of page 1 in Google for “neopets.” Boom!
A decade later, my daughter continues to milk this early success, even with Neopets being a fad that’s well past its prime. She does SEO consulting for clients (Yes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree) and continues to get in the limelight whenever possible. A couple of weeks ago, she was a guest on Jeremy Schoemaker’s podcast, the Shoemoney Show — another opportunity to demonstrate her entrepreneurial prowess.
The moral of the story: if a child can do it, so can you!
Though your mileage may vary, Chloe’s results are replicable with the right knowledge and the right strategies. Here are five tips to make SEO child’s play.

1. Look For Bankable Keyword Opportunities

Fueled by her passion for the topic of Neopets, she used a basic keyword tool (Nowadays there are many great options for these, with much more sophistication — SEMRush, for instance) to see how she could best reach people with her same interest in Neopets.
She discovered that “neopets cheats” was hugely popular, showing up near the top of the Google Suggest autocomplete suggestions list for “neopets.” She set the bar a little lower because of the competition level for that keyword, initially going after “neopet cheats” and getting traction on that keyword pretty quickly.
With that success, she was able to garner attention from bloggers, and with that additional PageRank, she set her sights higher for “neopets cheats.” Google Suggest guided her entire site structure, in fact. All the categories of her blog were based in large part on the popular Neopets-related keywords.
Any online marketer can do the same, and it needn’t be for a fan site or standalone blog. Exploring keyword niches related to a passion or hobby of yours can reveal new opportunities for you to add new sections or categories to your existing site to reach new audiences that may have interest in that topic.
In fact, just today I was having a conversation about applying this very strategy with an artist who has a passion for elephants and stopping poachers. He committed to moving ahead with this strategy and will be incorporating an elephants section into his art website.
Another tip: Track the keywords your site already ranks for. Are there a few for which you rank 11, 12 or 13? These could be an incredibly easy opportunity to get on the front page, which is where the views are, by beefing up the quality and depth of the content focused around these keywords.

2. See What Content Is Out There, And Figure Out How You Can Improve Upon It

The queries people search for are your insight into their intentions and interests.
Do you find that there are several blogs in your niche, but their coverage is kind of spotty? Flesh out some ideas that provide needed depth on the topic and add massive value. Want to become the go-to blog for winter wilderness survival? Create a comprehensive eBook for edible plants, bring on survival experts, offer resources on starting a fire in a snowy landscape and where to buy the best flint — there are so many ways you could make this niche your own.
Take note especially if searchers are searching for specific items using your internal site search. Are your visitors using terminology/vocabulary that you don’t? If you’re using certain words, but your visitors are using alternative synonyms, you have a disconnect. Or perhaps they are searching for problems, but you are only chasing after the solution-related keywords. Better finesse your content.
For example, if folks are searching on the problem of “treating frostbite,” and your content is about the solutions of “hand warmers” and “sterile dressing,” then you have some writing to do.

3. Make Sure Your Site Is Palatable To Robots

For visitors to flock to your blog, they need to be able to find it first. And although the content should first and foremost be written for the audience, it also needs to be written for the search engines.
Yes, the bots, spiders, crawlers, whatever you want to call them, cannot be neglected. Here are a few tips to make sure the bots “get” what you’re offering:
  • Keep your navigation simple. Make sure there aren’t any pages that are incredibly difficult to get to from your home page.
  • Keep URLs as short as you can. The folder organization within the URL should make sense, too.
  • Bots don’t read the text when it is part of an image. Make sure the text is overlaid on top of the image instead. If that text isn’t in the HTML source as text, it’s likely not going to count.
  • Don’t hide text and require site users to hover over something or click a tab to display the text. If you do this, you risk Google discounting this text, at least partially. Whether it’s product specs or customer reviews, display that great search engine fodder by default.
  • Check that your pages are being crawled often. If there is a strange lag, or if the crawling stops, this is a strong indicator something is awry and Google is having trouble accessing your content.

4. Focus On Getting Links Rather Than Likes

Although social signals are nice to have, links are where it’s at. To acquire links, your content must be linkworthy, as in high-quality, engaging and remarkable. That’s a given. You also need to find a good home for that content. Here are a few tips on how to do that:
  • Keep it on your domain. Although microsites can make sense for certain brand awareness campaigns or events, aim to build up the link authority of your primary site by hosting the linkworthy content there.
  • Be brandable. A linkworthy domain is memorable, easy to type and not confusing when spoken aloud. If it is a clumsy, awkward or otherwise horrible domain, consider changing it. You can buy aftermarket domains for as little as a few hundred dollars. I bought for $500, for instance. You can start your search for aftermarket domains at and; enter your keywords into their site search and start shopping. Examples of brand and domain “makeovers”: Alpha & Omega Financial Services ( became Living Wealth (, American Response Inc. ( became SkyCover (, and iFitnessMind ( became Orion’s Method ( The first two were the fruits of my re-branding efforts; the latter was my fiancee’s.
  • Tone down the sales pitch. The launching pad of your linkworthy content will most likely be your blog. Your blog should never be a shill for your company — full of shameless plugs, photos of your booth at trade shows and ads for your products/services filling the sidebar. Your blog should be at an arm’s length from your online store or corporate site in terms of its look and feel. If your viral article would repel a Reddit user because of the commercial feel to the page, you’re doing it wrong. Companies who “get it” include Valore Books with their blog, and REI with their blog. You can’t go wrong with a magazine-type feel, in my opinion.

5. Build Your Credibility Over Time With Authority Marketing

Building authority goes beyond links. The links and the content are great building blocks, but don’t stop there. Aim to become a thought leader in your field.
Conferences related to your niche are a great way to get your presence known among the other niche experts and influencers. If you can market yourself effectively enough to get a speaking gig, that will give you a huge boost in your visibility as an expert. There are plenty of Calls for Speakers posted on the web by industry conferences. Start applying. My daughter at 16 could do it; so can you.
If you don’t have any significant speaking experience, and you’re starting from zero, it’ll be easier to break into the speaking world if you first go local. Meetups ( are still going strong, and they present a great opportunity to do some local-scale networking. Once you have a feel for the group, propose a topic that you have enough knowledge on to present yourself.
After meeting other experts or sharing your content with them, talk about how you can collaborate with each other on podcasts, collaborative articles, Google Hangout webinars and other projects. This could lead to their subscriber base getting interested in what you have to offer, as well.
Consider launching your own podcast show. Being a podcast host not only conveys thought leadership status, it also gives you a great excuse to reach out to major influencers and start a dialogue because you can invite them onto your show as a guest. Be sure to ask your fans, followers and listeners to post reviews on iTunes, as that’s an important part of the iTunes ranking algorithm.

Final Thoughts

By finding a valuable niche, building your content and credibility, and then using SEO to get that content seen, you can easily make money in a way that can scale. It’s child’s play! Well not really, it’s a lot of hard work. But if you are willing to put in the “hard yards,” even if you’re not technical, you can achieve great results and dominate in Google.

Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.

Google To Begin To Index HTTPS Pages First, Before HTTP Pages When Possible

If your pages work on HTTPS, Google will likely show the HTTPS version over the HTTP version, starting today.

Google To Begin To Index HTTPS Pages First, Before HTTP Pages When Possible

Google’s Zineb Ait Bahajji announced that going forward, Google will try to index HTTPS pages first, before the HTTP equivalent page. That means that if your site’s internal navigation references the HTTP URLs, Google will try to see if the same pages work on HTTPS. If they do, Google will index the HTTPS version and show those pages in the search results.

Google said, “Today we’d like to announce that we’re adjusting our indexing system to look for more HTTPS pages… Specifically, we’ll start crawling HTTPS equivalents of HTTP pages, even when the former are not linked to from any page… When two URLs from the same domain appear to have the same content but are served over different protocol schemes, we’ll typically choose to index the HTTPS URL.”

The conditions include:
  • It doesn’t contain insecure dependencies.
  • It isn’t blocked from crawling by robots.txt.
  • It doesn’t redirect users to or through an insecure HTTP page.
  • It doesn’t have a rel=”canonical” link to the HTTP page.
  • It doesn’t contain a noindex robots meta tag.
  • It doesn’t have on-host outlinks to HTTP URLs.
  • The sitemap lists the HTTPS URL or doesn’t list the HTTP version of the URL.
  • The server has a valid TLS certificate.
The first condition is a big one, that the page doesn’t include “insecure dependencies.” Many pages include insecure images, includes, embeds, videos and so on.
This is all part of Google’s effort to make for a securer web.

The Best 7 SEO Strategies for improve your website ranking in 2016

The Best 7 SEO Strategies for improve your website ranking in 2016
  • 1. Optimize for mobile search
  • 2. Focus on a variety of keywords
  • 3. Don’t ignore social media
  • 4. Ditch complicated UX and URL
  • 5. Don’t sweat the small stuff
  • 6. Long tail SEO still matters
  • 7. Pair up with PR

100 Digital Marketing Interview Question Answers 2015 - 2016

Digital Marketing Job Interview Questions and Answers – 2015-2016 – Every Marketer Should know  about these questions & answers.. Let’s start now..

Digital Marketing will not only continue but will also grow in the coming period which will generate good job opportunities in Digital Marketing career. All you got to do is search for good opportunities and hook up an interview for yourself.

Now if you have scheduled an interview for a Digital Marketing job, then which questions do you think are likely to be shot at you by the interviewer? No idea? Well, we have compiled a list of TOP most important and frequent questions and answers to them that will surely help you crack the interview and earn you your dream Digital Marketing job.

100 Digital Marketing Interview Question Answers 2015 - 2016

Q: What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach and convert leads into customers.The key objective is to promote brands, build preference and increase sales through various digital marketing techniques.

What are the types of digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is about reaching customers with your marketing campaigns through digital channels, such as web, mobile, interactive billboards, and social media.
(1) Email marketing (2) SEO (search engine optimisation) (3) PPC (pay per click) (4) Social media (5) Online advertising (6) Affiliate marketing (7) Text messaging (8) Blogging, RSS & News Feeds (9) Viral marketing

However, there can be different levels of digital marketing. Using your TV Ad verbatim and just paying for impressions is a very crude level 1.

Coming up with a purpose built video ad for the size that is also interactive, and has an accompanying campaign landing page for users to click through to interact more with your brand is probably level 2.

And level 3 is probably utilising very specific targeting, and perhaps the viral nature of social networks, so that your campaign is not just about impressions or eyeballs, but about level of interaction.

Digital marketing is the type of marketing done through online or the digital technology world. Like print media or electronic media, online is another platform to market products and services. People are more connected and interacts faster online. Thus, digital marketing not just helps clients to market their products better through online but also users who can reach out to products from their system or mobile phone.
Various popular channels in digital marketing includes:
·        Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
·        Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
·        Content Marketing
·        Mobile Marketing
·        Conversion Optimization
·        Social Media Marketing
·        Web Analytics Certification Training

Q: What is difference between direct marketing and branding ? 

In a direct marketing campaign the advertiser is interested to target the audience who are most relevant to the business. The major metric to consider in this type is conversion rate, which explains about ROI. Most common campaign types are Search Network Only, Shopping Campaigns, Dynamic Search Ads etc.
In Branding campaign an advertiser needs exposure of his brand on major sites and applications. The most popular methods are Display Ads, Remarketing, Youtube Ads and custom ads target.

Q: What is Google Adwords remarketing?

Answer: AdWords remarketing is a targeted marketing strategy which allows marketers to reach the people who previously visited their website but did not take any action or did not experience conversion. It is another way to match the right people with right Ad.
According to Google ” Remarketing is a tool that can drive ROI for all types of advertisers, regardless of the focus of your campaigns (brand-oriented, performance-driven, etc.) or your ad formats…you can then remarket to those users who reach your site by showing them tailored ads on sites throughout the Google Display Network.”

E.g. if someone visits your website, Google puts a tracking code in their browser. When that same person visits any other website, Google display network makes your Ad appear to him on the website he is currently on. You yourself might have noticed this.

Q: What attracted you to the digital marketing industry?

You should try and answer this question as honestly as you can. Think about why you applied for your first digital marketing job – was it the reputation of the industry? Its fast-paced nature? The fact high-paying salaries were on offer? Or the fact that it’s constantly changing, growing and adapting on a weekly basis?

The employer is asking this question to test your commitment to the industry and to find out what makes you tick as a digital marketing candidate – so your answer needs to convey your commitment and enthusiasm for the sector overall.

A good answer would be to say that you were attracted to the industry because it’s got a good reputation and there are lots of opportunities available to progress your career, learn new skills and expand your knowledge. This answer shows you’re committed to the sector long-term and demonstrates that you’re a candidate who’s constantly looking to improve and enhance their skills.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working in digital marketing?
Again, with this answer, it’s best to be honest. Consider which tasks you look forward to in your day and which areas you particularly enjoy working in… but be careful not to just go for the ‘easy’ tasks. The employer wants to hear that you enjoy being challenged and is again looking for an insight into who you are as a candidate.

With this answer, it’s best to list a couple of things, preferably across a range of niches (eg. SEO, PPC, Social, Affiliates etc) to demonstrate your skills and your passion for the sector overall and to show that you’re not a ‘one trick pony’.

Q: And what do you like least about working in digital marketing?

Don’t dislike any part of working in the digital marketing industry? Sorry but I think you’re fibbing! And the employer will too! Why? Because there’s always something, big or small, that everyone dislikes about their job.

Think about which parts of your last job you dreaded and why – and consider what bugbears you have with the industry. Above all, be honest! You never know; the employer might feel the same way – and it might convince them to take you on. Similarly, if you voice your dislike of a particular task now, the employer might end up tweaking your role if they do take you on to ensure you don’t have to do something you don’ like.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time in the digital marketing sector?

With this question, the employer is testing you to see how much ambition you have and to see how much you’ve thought about where your career is going to go. Now, we’ve addressed this one on our Blog before but in regards to digital marketing, if you really want this particular role, I’d urge you to think about the role you’re being interviewed for and how you might be able to progress within that particular company before you give you answer.

It’s OK to be ambitious – but you also need to be realistic too. If you’re interviewing for a digital marketing executive role, you could say you’d like to be a digital marketing manager either in-house or in an agency – which will show the employer you’re keen to progress and take on extra responsibility – possibly at their business. On the other hand, if you’re applying for a digital marketing manager vacancy, you could say you see yourself in a Head of Digital role – or running your own digital marketing agency. Although the latter might put a few employers off, it shows you’re keen to be successful and not just stagnate in one role.

Q: How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business?

With this question, it’s all going to come down to your own personal experience – so think about what you’ve done in the past and what skills you’ve picked up which they might not necessarily have in-house which could benefit the business overall. Also consider any particular digital marketing campaigns that you learnt a lot from – and how this particular knowledge could help the business or one of the business’ existing clients.

In this instance, the employer is really asking what differentiates you from the rest of the applicants – so think carefully about what makes you unique (in terms of your digital marketing skills, knowledge, experience and contacts) and how this could have a positive effect on the business.

Q: How has your degree helped your digital marketing career?

Now obviously this one will only be relevant to graduates but it does get asked, particularly if you have a degree which isn’t necessarily directly related to marketing or digital marketing. In this instance, consider what core skills you needed to complete your degree and dissertation and how these can be transferred to the digital marketing industry. For instance, if you have a Journalism degree, you could talk about how your degree has equipped you with knowledge of how to approach outreach – and how to structure an article/report properly.

Similarly, if you have a degree in Economics or Maths, you might want to talk about how your degree has benefited you when you’ve had to manage budgets and calculate daily spend allowances for PPC campaigns.

With this question, the employer wants to know what skills and knowledge you picked up at university that could benefit their business in the long run.

Q: What has been the biggest challenge of your digital marketing career so far? And how did you overcome it?

When an employer asks you this question, they want to know how you deal with challenges and roadblocks and – potentially even how you deal with failure. Why? Because challenges are guaranteed to crop up in every role – and the employer wants to make sure you’re not going to crumble and struggle to cope when they do.

Think carefully about the challenges you’ve encountered in your career and what the outcome of these challenges have been. In this instance, it’s OK to mention a challenge which resulted in failure – as long as you can say what you’ve learnt from it and how you’ve used that knowledge to affect the success of a future campaign.

For example, you could talk about a site you’ve worked on that was hit with a Google Penguin update – and how you had to work hard to clean up the site’s link profile in order to recover rankings and Google’s trust.  In this case, you could say that you learnt that Google’s constantly changing its algorithms, you learnt what makes a good/bad link and the importance of sticking with a project from start to finish and you learnt the importance of keeping a clean backlink profile.

Q: What most attracted you to this digital marketing vacancy?

With this question, the employer is asking why you applied for the job so it goes without saying that your answer needs to reflect the job advert and the business you’d be working in. Think back to when you first saw the job advert and ask yourself what it was that made you click ‘apply’ – was it the actual role itself? The business? The location? Or was it the salary? Normally I’d urge you to be honest, but if you did apply for the job because it had a great salary, I’d urge you to keep quiet in this instance – you don’t want the employer to think you’re greedy!

From a perfect answer point of view, I’d advise you to focus on the role itself and the company in question. If it’s true, you could say that you applied for the job because you liked the variety the role offered and you were keen to work for a well known, well respected brand. Alternatively, you could say that you applied because you wanted to work for one of the best employers in the area and the opportunity sounded perfect in terms of taking the next step in your career.

These were some of the questions with which you can prepare yourself for your Digital Marketing job interview and impress the interviewer with your knowledge. Reap its benefits.

            Let us know in the below comment box if we have missed any question.

100 Top PPC Interview Questions and Answers 2015 - 2016

Best PPC Interview Question Answers: Pay per click (PPC), also called cost per click, is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. HERE you can find Top 100 Best PPC Adwords Question and Answers for your job interview.
100 Top PPC Interview Questions and Answers 2015 - 2016

What is PPC?

What is PPC (pay-per-click) marketing? Pay-per-click marketing is a way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, rather than “earning” those clicks organically. You know those sponsored ads you often see at the top of Google’s search results page, marked with a yellow label?
As we’ve established, PPC advertising offers a unique opportunity to:
  • Grow Your Customer Base – Connect with searchers actively looking for products and services like yours, and respond to that need by providing them with an offer relevant to their search query.
  • Generate Leads at Low Costs –  Because pay-per-click marketing allows you to reach leads and prospects when they’re researching and looking to buy, it’s a highly effective way to bring interested visitors to your site. Plus, you can enjoy an algorithmically generated discount from the search engines in exchange for making their users happy.
Once you've created your new campaigns, you’ll need to manage them regularly to make sure they continue to be effective. In fact, regular account activity is one of the best predictors of account success. You should be continuously analyzing the performance of your account.
  • Add PPC Keywords: Expand the reach of your pay-per-click campaigns by adding keywords that are relevant to your business.
  • Add Negative Keywords: Add non-converting terms as negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy and reduce wasted spend.
  • Split Ad Groups: Improve click-through rate (CTR) and Quality Score by splitting up your ad groups into smaller, more relevant ad groups, which help you create more targeted ad text and landing pages.
  • Review Costly PPC Keywords: Review expensive, under-performing keywords and shut them off if necessary.
  • Refine Landing Pages: Modify the content and calls-to-action (CTAs) of your landing pages to align with individual search queries in order to boost conversion rates. Don’t send all your traffic to the same page.
What do understand by Quality Score? 

Quality Score is a metric which is calculated for each keyword between 1 to 10. The QS defines the quality of keyword compared with Ads and Landing Page. This metric is used to calculate the AdRank, which is used to calculate the ad position.

What is the impact of Quality score on CPC and Ad Position ?

Quality Score is inversely proportional to CPC and Directly proportional to Ad Position. That means higher QS means lower cost and higher position.

What is Actual CPC ?

The actual cost of a click for an advertiser in an auction. The actual CPC is calculated in realtime and we cannot know the Actual CPC, but we can see Avg. CPC.
Actual CPC = (AdRank to Beat/QS)+$0.01

What Kind of Quality Score you can achieve for keywords ? 

In my past campaigns I achieved the QS of 7 – 10. I can improve the quality score by using optimization techniques in campaign.

What are the Factors which affect Quality Score ?

Quality Score depends on the following metrics
  • CTR of the Keyword
  • Relevance of Keywords and Ads
  • Landing Page Quality
  • Historic Account Data
How can you Improve Conversion Rates ? 

By creating ads which match perfectly with keywords and creating tightly themed ad groups so we can get targeted users to best landing page. Also by improving the Landing Page quality we can improve the conversions.

Is PPC Advertisement effect ranking of websites on search engines ? 

Never, Search Engine don’t mix them. Google and other search engines rank both organic and ppc results separately

Can you tell me limit of character used for PPC Ads ?

Different Search Engines have different Limit on ads character as for Google you can put maximum 25 for headline and 70 for description 1 and 2 combined.

What is the difference between search engine marketing and Internet marketing?

Search Engine Marketing is specific to marketing your brand/service/products through search engines. It can be in the form of organic search results where landing pages are aimed for higher ranking, or in paid search results, where ads are aimed to display at maximum exposure for targeted keywords at minimal cost possible.

What is Quality Score and how does it affect your work as paid search specialist?

Quality Score’s a part of Google’s way of determining ranking of AdWords ads. This can be achieved by, among others, improving relevance between ad copies and keywords, improving quality of landing pages. By obtaining high quality score for my keywords, I can reduce expenses for my PPC campaigns.

Explain what is Adwords?

Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites.  It will place a text ad that appears when people search for phrases associated to your offering.

Explain how Adwords work?

Adwords work on bidding system if the bidding price is higher your ad will appear on top of the Google page.  Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web search.

Explain why to use Google Adwords?

Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google Adwords or “Pay Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often visits the website for information, whereas the traffic via pay per click knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy.  So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.

Explain what is Ad rank?

Ad rank determines your ad position on Google page, and it is determined by your bid for that keyword and quality score.

Explain how does Ad rank impact Cost-Per-Click?

Ad rank plays a huge role in defining the actual cost-per-click that your opponents pay, when someone clicks on their ads.  Your CPC can be calculated by following way

Your Price = The ad rank of the person below you/ your quality score + $0.01

Explain how does a Google auction work?

Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result are such that users find ads that are relevant to what they are looking for.  The search engine processes the request and runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertisers CPC.

Explain what gets entered into a Google Account?

Once the advertisers determine the keywords that they want to bid on, Google will enter a keyword from your account which is most related into the auction with the maximum bid specified as well as the associated ad.

Explain what is Google Quality Score?

Google’s quality score determines how beneficial and relevant your ad is to the user, based primarily on your ad’s CTR, quality of your landing page and keyword relevance.  Higher quality score keywords will save your money and earn better ad ranking.

Explain what is an ad group in Google Adwords?

Ad group is a container of your keywords, advertisements, and landing pages.  Google rewards advertisers who prepare Adword campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Its not advisable to include all your keywords into the single ad group, but to organize keywords into themes.

10) Explain what is conversion optimizer in Adwords?

Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Google Adwords for bid manipulation and decides which clicks on the ad will be valuable.  It can help you to return maximum on your investment.

Mention some of the Google Adword Ad Extensions?

Different ad extension can enhance the increase in traffic.  Some of the common Ad extensions used in adwords are
  • Sitelinks
  • Call Extensions
  • Location Extensions
  • Social Annotations
  • Seller ratings
  • Mobile app extensions
  • Offer ads
  • Communication Ad
  • Review extension
  • Image and drop down navigation Ad extension
Mention in google Adwords that options can’t be changed after creating an account?

After creating account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.

Explain how you can improve conversion rates?

By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that helps in conversions.

Mention what is the limit set for the number or characters for Adwords ad?

Limit for Adword is
  • Description line 1st : 25 characters
  • Description line 2nd: 35 characters
  • Destination URL: 1024 characters
No images are allowed in URL.

Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?

CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is

Number of click / Number of impressions X 100

These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have viewed your ad.

Mention what are the type of Keywords?

There are no specific types for Keywords however they are classified on the basis of how likely is going to be clicked by visitors
  • Research Keywords: It tends to contain one or two words – Tea
  • Consideration: It tends to contain two or three words – Green Tea
  • Purchase: It must have more than three words – buy loose green tea
  • Loyalty: This must be shorter- Starbucks
Explain what is Google Ad API?

Google Ad API is designed for representing large, tech savvy advertisers and third parties. It allows developers build an application that directly interacts with Google Adwords server.

Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?

With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things
  • You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and landing pages
  • Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts
  • Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock
Explain how you can track conversions in Google Adwords?

In Google Adwords, conversion tracking can be done in following ways
  • Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by Adwords and modifying it with additional code unique to your particular e-commerce platform
  • View-through conversion window options tracks when a person sees your ad but does not click it (impression)
  • By enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that Adwords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked
  • By accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis, you can also know when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and how frequently they saw your ad before converting.
Explain what are the other two options for bidding other than C-P-C?

Other than CPC the other two options are CPM (Cost per Thousand Impression) and CPA ( Cost Per Action ).